Methods To Clean Dog Pee From The Carpet

Methods To Clean Dog Pee From The Carpet

Jan 3, 2023 | Carpet Cleaning

Dealing with pet accidents is an unavoidable part of being a dog parent, and one of the most common and challenging issues is cleaning dog urine from carpets. Not only can dog pee leave unsightly stains, but it can also create lingering odors that are difficult to remove.

Addressing these accidents promptly and effectively is crucial for maintaining a clean and hygienic home environment. In this blog, we will examine three distinct and effective methods to clean dog pee from the carpets. From household cleaning solutions to store-bought cleaning agents, you will discover everything you need to keep your carpet clean and fresh, even after the occasional accident.

3 Effective Methods With Steps To Clean Dog Pee From The Carpet

Note: Before you use any of the solutions on the stain, make sure you test it on the hidden surface of the carpet to check for any adverse effects on the carpet.

1. Vinegar And Baking Soda Solution

Vinegar And Baking Soda Solution

Step 1: Blot the Area

Use paper towels or a clean cloth to blot up as much urine as possible. Press down firmly to absorb the liquid, but avoid rubbing, as this can push the urine deeper into the carpet fibers.

Step 2: Apply Vinegar Solution

Mix equal parts white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Liberally spray the affected area with this solution to neutralize the urine.

Step 3: Rinse Well

Blot the area with a clean cloth dampened in clean water to clean dog pee and the vinegar solution from the carpet.

Step 4: Apply Baking Soda

Sprinkle baking soda over the area while it is still damp from the vinegar solution. Allow it to sit for several hours or overnight to absorb the odor, then vacuum thoroughly.

2. Hydrogen Peroxide And Dish Soap

Hydrogen Peroxide And Dish Soap

Step 1: Mix the Solution

Combine 1/2 cup 3% hydrogen peroxide with 1 teaspoon dish soap in a bowl.

Step 2: Apply to the Stain

Pour the hydrogen peroxide and dish soap mixture onto the stained area of the carpet.

Step 3: Blot and Rinse

Blot the area with a clean cloth, then rinse with water and blot again to remove any residue.

Step 4: Apply Baking Soda (if needed)

If the odor persists, sprinkle baking soda over the area. Once it dries, vacuum it up thoroughly.

3. Enzymatic Cleaner

Enzymatic Cleaner

Step 1: Purchase an Enzymatic Cleaner

Buy a pet-specific enzymatic cleaner, which contains enzymes that break down the proteins in urine, that can effectively clean dog pee from the carpet.

Step 2: Apply as Directed

Follow the instructions on the product for application. Generally, you will need to saturate the area with the cleaner.

Step 3: Let it Sit

Allow the cleaner to sit for the recommended amount of time so the enzymes can work effectively.

Step 4: Blot and Air Dry

Blot up any excess cleaner and let the area air dry completely. You may need to repeat the process for stubborn stains and odors.

Additional Tips

  • Ensure your dog is properly house-trained to prevent future accidents.
  • Regularly clean and maintain your carpets to keep them in good condition and to prevent buildup of odors and stains.

Opt For Professional Carpet Cleaning Services To Do The Task

You can easily clean dog pee from the carpet with the right methods and timely action. Whether you choose to use vinegar-baking soda solution, hydrogen peroxide-dish soap solution, or an enzymatic cleaner, each method offers effective solutions to tackle pet urine stains and odors.

However, for persistent stains or if you simply prefer a more thorough clean, opting for professional carpet cleaning services can be beneficial and an excellent choice. At Alien Steamers, we have the expertise and equipment to handle tough stains and ensure your carpet is thoroughly cleaned and deodorized. By combining these DIY methods with occasional professional cleanings, you can maintain a fresh and hygienic home environment for both you and your furry friend.


Q.1 Does dog urine smell ever go away?

Yes, the smell of dog urine can go away with proper cleaning. Use enzymatic cleaners or a vinegar and baking soda solution to neutralize odors. Persistent smells might require multiple treatments or professional cleaning for complete removal.

Q.2 How to make homemade dog urine cleaner?

Mix equal parts white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. For added effectiveness, combine this with baking soda after applying the vinegar solution. This homemade cleaner helps neutralize odors and break down stains.

Q.3 How to get a dog to stop peeing on carpet?

Improve house training by establishing a routine and using positive reinforcement. Ensure your dog has frequent bathroom breaks and address any behavioral issues. Use pet repellents on carpets and provide appropriate bathroom alternatives to discourage accidents.

Q.4 What is the best solution to remove dog urine from carpet?

Enzymatic cleaners are often the best solution as they break down urine proteins, effectively eliminating both stains and odors. For DIY options, a mixture of vinegar and baking soda can also be highly effective in treating fresh stains. However, opting for professionals is always a great idea for thorough cleaning.